Concours du site officiel : La carte Future Sight la plus puissante en multijoueurs ?
Dans son article Serious Fun - Feeling So Proud, The Ferrett se penche sur la carte Nacatl War Pride puis sur le concept de « Backlash », qui signifie qu'une carte a un effet visible si puissant qu'elle incite l'intégralité des autres joueurs à l'éliminer immédiatement (ou à éliminer son propriétaire). Il signale que ce concept est à prendre en compte lorsque l'on considère la puissance d'une carte, puisqu'une carte à Backlash élevé ne fera presque jamais effet.
Il achève son article par l'invitation à deux concours, permettant de gagner des cartes dédicacées et d'être publié sur le site officiel :
What is the most powerful multiplayer card in Future Sight that is not Nacatl WAR-Pride?
Here are the rules:
Nacatl War-Pride with a red X1. Pick a card in Future Sight that is not Nacatl War-Pride.
2. Write up your reason why this is the most powerful multiplayer card in Future Sight. Since this is a smaller set, please keep in mind that someone else will almost certainly choose your card, so backing up your choice with a deck that actually shows how to utilize this card in psychotic ways would help. Alternatively, you can discuss what sorts of problems this card fixes, or entertain me with the reasons why "Heroes" isn't out on DVD yet, because I'd really like to watch it from the beginning but I'm not jumping in halfway through the show, and by the way Hiro's an awful lot like timeshifted cards because he goes to the future and back.
In any case, it's unlikely that a submission as content-free as "akroma memoral wins cuz it makes crtures gud" will get my attention.
4. Send that reason to with a title of "Future Sight POWERFUL!" just so I don't confuse your fantabulous description on the delights of Aven Mindcensor with someone attempting to get me to look at cheesecake pictures of his wife, all for a quite reasonable fee. Make sure you send it before midnight on Thursday, May 24th.
5. The Ferrett will then pick a winner. That winner will not only get the satisfaction of having everyone who reads know that he or she has correctly identified the most powerful multiplayer card in all of Future Sight, but will also be sent an autographed copy of that very card. (If it's a common, I'll send you a full playset.) If you think the card would be more valuable without my autograph on it, well, heck, I'll leave it off.
Here are the rules for Reader Challenge #2!
1. Build your craziest multiplayer deck based around Nacatl War-Pridego for power, go for obscurity, go for sheer insanity. I don't care. You can use any cards you like, but it must be legal in some sanctioned Constructed format (so if you use a Mox, it had better be Vintage-legal, and so forth).
2. Tell me how the deck works, and why you think it's good. Keep in mind that the whole "I kill Nacatl in response" thing is a bit of a drawback when four other players are each determined not to let you have all of those tokens, so it would be a Good Thing to have some way of avoiding this problem in your deck. Also, if your writeup is entertaining, it'll separate you from people who have submitted similar decks.
3. Send that reason to with a title of "PRIDE CONTEST, BABY!" just so I don't confuse your fantabulous description on the delights of the Pride with the latest email from PayPal telling me that "YOUR ACCOUNT HAS BEEN VIOLATED, LoG INTO WITH YOUR PAYPAL EMAIL AND PASSWORD SO WE CAN CLEAR IT FOR YOU." Make sure you send that email before midnight on Thursday, May 24th.
4. The Ferrett will then pick a winner, as decided by his decidedly arbitrary distinction of "The best deck." That winner will not only get the satisfaction of having everyone who reads know that he or she has snapped the War-Pride in half, but will also be sent an autographed playset of Nacatl War-Pride. If you think the card would be more valuable without my autograph on it, well, heck, I'll still leave it off.
Go forth. Break Nacatl, and convince me of the righteousness of Future Sight's other crazy cards. Show me the Magic.
Le premier concours invite à choisir l'une des cartes de l'extension Future Sight (vous pouvez vous aider du spoiler visuel dans ce but) et d'écrire un texte expliquant en quoi cette carte est la plus puissante en multi-joueur, exemples d'utilisation à l'appui.
Le second concours invite à créer un deck multi-joueurs autour de Nacatl War-Pride, dans le format de votre choix, et d'écrire un texte expliquant comment le jouer. Attention, ce deck doit tenir compte du fait que l'intégralité de la table voudra détruire votre Nacatl War-Pride...
Comptez-vous participer à ces concours ? Si oui, voulez-vous partager avec nous vos decks et textes ?
Dans tous les cas, bonne chance aux participants !
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